Do you already have a loan, but want to reduce the amount of the monthly installment you pay to the bank? Or maybe you need help to pay the existing monthly installments in optimal conditions?

The purpose of refinancing loans is to give you extra comfort and financial balance. With the help of a refinancing loan you can get:

  • refinancing loans to lower the current monthly loan installments
  • obtaining an additional amount needed to start new projects, without affecting the payment of the current installment
  • lowering the current interest rate
  • lowering the current monthly installment, thus allowing access to a new loan
  • shortening the payment period of the current loan, maintaining the same value of the monthly installment

Lending conditions:

  • credit currency: EUR/USD
  • minimum advance: 0%
  • approval time: 1-10 days

Customized financial solutions


Credit card, personal loan, mortgage loan, car loan

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Personalised financial solutions

New Credit mediates lending solutions between you and banking institutions, offering all types of loans—from unsecured personal loans, consumer loans, and secured loans to refinancing, ‘Noua Casă,’ and credit cards—designed to meet diverse financing needs.

NewCredit – Personal loan, mortgage loan, refinancing, car loan –

With over 10 years of experience in finance, especially in personal loans, we have over ten thousand satisfied clients who turn to us whenever they need a banking product or financial advice.

We’re here to help you with a personal loan, a mortgage loan, a car loan, a credit card, or refinancing an existing loan.

We assess your situation and provide the best loan options for you and your family. We partner with major banks, working together to find the best offer tailored to your needs.”

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